X. mednarodna strokovna konferenca
vzgojiteljev/pomočnikov vzgojiteljev v vrtcih
Igra in učenje predšolskega otroka
25. 1. 2017
9.00 - 17.00
V storilnostno naravnanem svetu (pomembni so produkti, številke, cilji) pogosto zanemarjamo spontano igro predšolskega otroka kot njegove optimalne učne izkušnje. Preko igre se otrok poveže sam s seboj, s svojim notranjim svetom doživetij, domišljije, čustev ter lastnih izkušenj. Igra predstavlja tudi preventivni dejavnik pred otroško depresijo in drugimi psihičnimi težavami otrok (čustvenimi izbruhi, nemirom, motnjami pozornosti ipd.) ter omogoča zdrav celosten razvoj otroka.
Igra ima pomembno vlogo pri učenju predšolskega otroka na različnih področjih:
- čustveni razvoj otroka (zadovoljstvo, povezanost, sprostitev, samo izražanje, zmanjševanje tesnobe, samozavest, samopodoba);
- kognitivni razvoj otroka (kreativnost, domišljija, reševanje problemov, perspektivno mišljenje, usvajanje novih konceptov);
- socialni razvoj otroka (komunikacijske veščine, sodelovanje, deljenje, reševanje konfliktov, vodenje, podrejanje);
- fizični razvoj (groba in fina motorika, moč, vztrajnost);
- razvoj govora (besedni zaklad, komunikacijske veščine, pripovedovanje zgodb, aktivno poslušanje, opismenjevanje).
Vabljeni gostji

Prof. Annemieke Mol Lous
Dr. Annemieke Mol Lous (1958) graduated at VU University Amsterdam and finished her PhD at Radboud University in Nijmegen. Dr. Mol Lous was installed as a full professor in Inclusive Education in 2009 at Leiden and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. From the UNESCO expertise centre for Inclusive Education she is involved in several international projects to implement Quality Education for All, including curriculum development, teacher training, policies and research. Differentiated teaching and teaching for excellence have been the main focuses of this expertise centre. The use of active teaching, ict for personalized learning, early learning and 21st century skills are key strategies to prepare teachers, learners and their parents for their future in an (inter)national global context. She works in close cooperation with the University of Amsterdam to implement interactive teaching and learning programs like “Math Garden”.
Dr. Mol Lous is involved in a variety of educational projects and part of the (editorial) boards of several international organizations and universities:
- Malta University, department of Education and special needs
- Bahir Dar University, department of Education and special needs
- European Network on Social and Emotional Competences (ENSEC)
- Chair of the Research and Development Centre of the Association of Teacher Education Europe (ATEE)
Dr. Mol Lous is frequently invited for international conferences and key notes and is an advisor of international organizations like Plan International, Education International, USAID and UNICEF.

Kirsi Sutton
Special education teacher, chairman of Helsinki Kindergartenteachers association and a mother.