XVIII. mednarodna strokovna konferenca
vzgojiteljev/pomočnikov vzgojiteljev v vrtcih

Spodbudno in varno vzgojno in učno okolje v vrtcih

6. 3. 2025
9.00 - 18.00

Tematska področja

Izzivi, dileme, praktične strategije:

  • na področju vzgojnih strategij na nivoju skupine, posameznika (psihodinamika skupine, posebne potrebe otrok …);
  • na področju učnih strategij in izzivov (močna področja otrok, razvoj darov …;
  • vključevanje staršev in lokalne skupnosti v vrtec za zagotavljanje spodbudnega in varnega vzgojno učnega okolja.

Sylvia Hakari

Senior Lecturer, Early Childhood Education, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland
Pedagogical Director, Helsinki International Schools, Helsinki, Finland

Sylvia Hakari is an ECEC Teacher, Master of Arts (Education) and a Senior Lecturer of Early childhood education and applied educational sciences in Metropolia University of Applied
Sciences. She has worked in the field of early childhood education for twenty years, first as a teacher with children from one to six years, then as a project worker in ECEC field development projects and from year 2011 as a lecturer in Metropolia as well as in many ECEC field and educational projects. She is also a PhD student, her research topic is social sustainability and peer relationships in day care settings. Her main interests in the ECEC field are playful learning, building the sense of community and pedagogical documentation.

The several development projects she has worked in as a project worker, researcher and or as a member of the advisory board has enhanced the participation of children and families, built multiprofessional collaboration between ECEC and health care services, developed educational play pedagogy and pedagogical drama, education for sustainability (e-learning project) and pedagogical documentation as a tool for professional development of ECEC teachers in Finland and in Belgium. She has also worked as a member of the advisory board of the National Core Curriculum for ECEC (2016) in Finland (2015-2016).

Dr. Ljupčo Kevereski

Professor of Psychology, St.Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Education, Bitola, Severna Makedonija
Web: pfbt.uklo.edu.mk