IX. mednarodna strokovna konferenca za vzgojitelje v vrtcu
(Slovenija, Velika Britanija, Nizozemska, Češka, Hrvaška, Bosna in Hercegovina)
Nadarjeni in talentirani predšolski otrok
27. in 28. 1. 2016
(9.00 – 17.00)
Vabimo vas na IX. mednarodno strokovno konferenco vzgojiteljev v vrtcih z zelo izzivalnim naslovom Nadarjeni in talentirani predšolski otrok. Na konferenci bi radi predstavili dileme, vprašanja, izkušnje in spoznanja s področja dela z nadarjenimi in talentiranimi predšolskimi otroki. Predvsem pa si želimo s konferenco preusmeriti fokus vzgojiteljevega vzgojno izobraževalnega dela tudi na močna področja vseh otrok ter na otroke, ki kažejo večji napredek in imajo drugačne potrebe.
Na konferenci bodo predstavljeni različni prispevki iz prakse, ki prispevajo k prepoznavanju močnih področij pri predšolskem otroku ter ustvarjajo pogoje za razvoj le-teh.
Vabljene gostje
Dr Margaret Sutherland

Senior Lecturer (Social Justice Place and Lifelong Education)
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Margaret Sutherland is senior lecturer in inclusive education at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. She is the Director of the Scottish Network for Able Pupils and Deputy Director of the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning, University of Glasgow. She has 34 years teaching experience in mainstream primary schools, behaviour support and latterly in higher education.
She has written articles in the field of gifted and talented education and is author of Gifted and Talented in the Early Years: A practical guide for 3-6 year olds and Developing the Gifted and Talented Young Learner. Her first book is now in its second edition and has been translated into German and Slovenian. She is an elected member of the general committee of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA) and serves on the ECHA accreditation committee for the creation of a European Talent Centre. She also serves on the Executive Committee of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. Margaret is on the editorial board of the Korean Educational Development Institute Journal of Educational Policy and Journal for Educating Young Scientists and Giftedness and reviews papers for High Ability Studies, British Educational Research Journal and the British Journal of Religious Education. She regularly gives keynote addresses at conferences and has led courses, workshops and seminars across the UK and has also been invited to work with staff and students in Tanzania, Malawi, Korea, Virginia, USA, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Luxembourg and Denmark.
Willeke Rol

Bright Kids
Diemen, Netherlands
Willeke is a recognized authority on Highly Gifted Education in the Netherlands, a published author and a frequent Key note speaker at conventions.
At the University of Nijmegen she received the title “Specialist in Gifted Education”. Allowing her to back up over three decades of Educational experiences with the Theoretical know how.
During her experience teaching at Dutch primary school education, she established that Highly Gifted Children need more than just additional work challenges. The real key to their success is social contact with their peers. She has developed Enrichments classes which help provide for this Social need.
Willeke pioneered Enrichment classes over 15 years ago and has been a actively involved in developing the concept ever since.
Identifying a need for more flexible work environments she founded Bright Kids in January 2003 (www.brightkids.nl)
Bright Kids helps schools and parent understand gifted children by giving presentations about giftedness, coaching sessions and providing school enrichment programs. She is a Government consultant for the Dutch Primary Schools, published author and Developer of “Talentenlijn”, materials and guidance aids for teachers and preschool teachers. (www.talentenlijn.nl)
Doc. dr Liljana Krneta

Fakultet politickih nauka, Banja Luka
Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, BiH
Rodjena u Bugojnu, Bosna i Hercegovina, gdje je završila osnovnu školu i gimnaziju, a zatim 1977.godine diplomirala na Odsjeku za pedagogiju i psihologiju u Sarajevu i dobila zvanje profesor pedagogije i psihologije. Na Filozofskom fakultetu u Srpskom Sarajevu 1999.godine odbranila je magistarski rad pod nazivom “ Psihosocijalni faktori kao determinnata uspjeha učenika u školi” i stekla naučni stepen magistra nauka.
Doktorsku disertaciju, pod nazivom “ Osobine učenika kao faktor percepcije radne efikasnosti nastavnika”, odbranila je 2010. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu u Istočnom Sarajevu i stekla naučni stepen doktora nauka. Učestvovala je na mnogim naučnim i stručnim skupovima širom regiona sa pisanim prilozima, a bila je recenzent večeg broja različitih radova iz predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja, razvojne i pedagoške psihologije. Radila je u osnovnoj školi i predškolskom vaspitanju kao pedagog i psiholog i u Savjetovalištu za djecu i mlade kao psiholog. U poratnom periodu je angažovana na ublažavanju posljedica ratom traumatizovane djece i omladine. Sada је zaposlena na Univerzitetu u Banjoj Luci, na Fakultetu politickih nauka.
Оbjavila je 4 knjige i to,
- Ličnost učenika i percepcija radne efikasnosti nastavnika (2010) monografija,
- Faktori školskog uspjeha (2000) monografija
- Integracija – jedan moguči eksperiment , Undp-Unops (1999), u koautorstvu,
- Politika i život, (2001), u koautorstvu,
- i preko 80 naučnih i stručnih radova.
Učesnik je mnogobrojnih Medjunarodnih konferencija i Medjunarodnih naučnih skupova u regionu i u EU o darovitosti, dajuči aktivan doprinos popularizaciji aktuelnih teorijskih paradigmi i njihove primjene u praksi.